Pine-4.53-1 Released

Eduardo Chappa
Wed Jan 22 17:04:00 GMT 2003


  I have packed a new distribution of the popular e-mail client Pine.
Version 4.53 is the stable release of the 4.5X series. This is the first
release for Cygwin in this series.

Here's a quick summary of what's new in it. Further details can be found
from the main screen of Pine by pressing "R" (to see the Release Notes) or
by going to

 * Extended thread support (fancy thread interface).
 * Rudimentary support of character set conversion.
 * Extended filter/roles functionality.
 * Cygwin port is official. This means that no more patches are needed to
   build a version of Pine suitable for cygwin. All you need to do is to
   unpack the source code and execute the command "./buildcyg cyg"  from
   the pineX.YZ directory (You still need a patch to be able to "fix" some
   bugs found while running Pine with colors in the default cygwin
   terminal. This patch is already applied in this release).

As usual, more documentation on how to run Pine under cygwin can be found
in the file /usr/doc/Cygwin/pine-4.53-1.README.

If you find any problem running this package, please report it to the
cygwin mailing list (


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.

In the US,
is a reliable high bandwidth connection.

In Germany,
is usually pretty good.

In the UK,
is usually up-to-date within 48 hours.

If one of the above doesn't have the latest version of this package
then you can either wait for the site to be updated or find another

The setup.exe program will figure out what needs to be updated on your
system and will install newer packages automatically.

If you have questions or comments, please send them to the Cygwin
mailing list at: .  This includes ideas and comments
about the setup utility or Cygwin in general.

If you want to make a point or ask a question, the Cygwin mailing list
is the appropriate place.


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