[1.7] Updated: libpng10-1.0.43-10; Removed: libpng10-devel

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Sun Mar 8 04:36:00 GMT 2009

The libpng packages offer the standard libraries for manipulating
PNG files, a turbo-studly lossless image format.  This is a security
update for the backwards-compatibility 1.0.x version of this library.
This update also removes the development package, as clients have now
had about eight years to adapt to the 1.2.x API.

[[ compiled using gcc-3.4.4-999 ]]

This is the first release specific for cygwin-1.7. As the only
non-obsoleted package is libpng10, which contains only a DLL, there
are no differences between this package and the simultaneously-
released libpng10-1.0.43-1 for cygwin-1.5.  The two versions are
released separately just to keep (my) numbering system intact.

CHANGES (since 1.0.20-1
o "Fork" for cygwin-1.7 development. (This new release is actually
  identical to the cygwin-1.5-only 1.0.43-1 release, other than
  some cosmetic documentation changes that aren't shipped in the
  binary package anyway).
o update to latest official release of libpng-1.0.x
o discontinue use of alternatives in favor of libpng-1.2.x
o still using the non-autotools-driven build process
o updated hint files for new dependencies
o rename package for maintainance mode: backwards-compatiblity
  DLL only. libpng10-devel now marked _obsolete.

Charles Wilson
volunteer libpng maintainer for cygwin


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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