Updated: {libao,libao-common,libao-dev,libao4}-1.0.0-1

David Rothenberger daveroth@acm.org
Wed Jul 7 15:29:00 GMT 2010

A new version the libao packages is now available for download.

This is a new upstream release, with upstream changes listed below. See
also the package documentation in /usr/share/doc/libao.

The new release includes a new versioned DLL package: libao4. The
old package, libao2, is now obsolete.

Documentation is now in the libao-common package, which will be
installed if any other package is installed. libao is left as a
transition package that will pull in all the other packages.

Libao is a cross-platform audio library that allows programs to output
audio using a simple API on a wide variety of platforms. It currently

    * Null output (handy for testing without a sound device)
    * WAV files
    * AU files
    * OSS (Open Sound System, used on Linux and FreeBSD)
    * ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)
    * polypaudio (next generation GNOME sound server)
    * esd (EsounD or Enlightened Sound Daemon)
    * AIX
    * Sun/NetBSD/OpenBSD
    * IRIX
    * NAS (Network Audio Server)

Note that downloads from sources.redhat.com (aka cygwin.com) aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need to
find a mirror which has this update, please choose the one nearest to
you: http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html

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David Rothenberger  ----  daveroth@acm.org
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