4NT vs. Bash (Was Re: problem with find/grep)

Robert Schmidt rschm@broadpark.no
Wed Nov 24 00:32:00 GMT 2004

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> Barry,
> I know what 4DOS is.  I was just wondering what features of 4DOS were
> missing in bash.  "eset" was one of those mentioned.  Are there more?
> 	Igor

Wouldn't eset by trivial to emulate with rl?

The only commands I haven't been able to replace with cygwin, are 
"ftype" and "assoc", for maintaining file type associations.  I guess 
regtool would do the job, but I haven't gone there yet.

I use them to ensure that BTM files are run by 4NT, and SH files are run 
by sh, when launched from the explorer.

"except (file) [command]" command executes the given command while 
hiding the given files (through the hidden file attribute).  Probably 
also easy to emulate.

I still find myself operating much faster on a 4NT prompt than a bash 
one.  One reason is that I've mapped jumping between drives to 
"Alt+<drive letter>".  I guess the same could be done by mapping keys to 
"cd /cygdrive/<drive letter>" in bash.

The second, most important reason: simply entering "directory\" at the 
prompt will change to that directory (without having to type "cd "). 
I'm still looking for a way to implement this in bash, which also works 
with completion.  If I can get this, I'm ready to stop using 4NT constantly!

When pressing PgUp on the 4NT prompt, I get the command history in a 
very convenient pop-up list.  Enter will execute the selected command, 
Ctrl+Enter will copy it to the command line.

Pressing Ctrl+PgUp pops up a similar list of the directory history in 
the current session - also extremely convenient.


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