cvs: cvsadmin functions not working

Mon Nov 3 01:25:00 GMT 1997

Hi Dave (and all others)

I have downloaded the cvs and rcs binaries from your www site on 
geocities. Thank you very much for doing this port.
I have two questions:
1. I cannot find patches for cvs-1.9 on your site. Does that mean 
that cvs-1.9 compiles out of the box?

2. when I run with your executables I cannot get the "admin" 
functions to run in cvs. I get an error msg to the effect that I 
need to be part of the "cvsadmin" group.
my uid/gid is 500/500 and I have played around a lot. I have tried 
with me being part of the group "cvsadmin" or also without having 
such a group in "/etc/group".
Do you have any ideas what I could do?
Did you compile in a specific group number for cvsadmin? If so - 
what would that number be? (did it just take it out of your 
/etc/group file?)

Many thanks


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