GPF error building Perl 5.6

Charles Wilson
Fri Oct 27 08:52:00 GMT 2000

David A Ireland wrote:

> The reason I'm installing Perl from the source is because the CygUtils
> binary version seems to have problems adding new modules (more GPF errors
> and missing cygutil files).

It's possible that the GPF errors you see when using the precompiled
perl from cygutils are due to a misconfiguration in your environment. 
This is doubly-likely since you also see GPF errors when trying to run
your self-built perl.  (make install and make install.html actually run
perl scripts using the newly-built perl interpreter).  So, since both
your perl and the cygutils perl experience GPF errors, the problem must
be something common to both versions -- your environment?

Please post the output of 'cygcheck -s -v -r' to the list.


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