I'm having problems with CPAN mod...

Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) lhall@rfk.com
Fri Mar 29 09:42:00 GMT 2002

At 07:58 AM 3/29/2002, Muhammad Isa wrote:
>Hi,                A PERL QUESTION ???
>                   ---------------------
>    I was wondering if anybody has noticed a problem with the CPAN 'shell'.
>With all other 'Net' applications shut down, it seems to behave quite well,
>except when running the 'readme' routine.
>    It first says it's running the 'readme' routine, then goes quiet for a
>few minutes, then the hard drive sounds like it's having a war with
>something for 30 seconds, then finally displays a 1Kb readme in the 'less'
>pager. On quitting the pager, it again makes a heck of a din for a while,
>disconnecting from the net in the process, and maybe losing keyboard
>functionality altogether.
>    I presume this is a 'Cygwin' related problem? (or perhaps set-up?). My
>system info is as follows:-

Personally, my bet is the answer to this one will only come from actively
debugging the problem.  I mention this only so you get some feedback and 
to allow you to set your expectations regarding any subsequent feedback you 
might get.  But who knows.  Perhaps someone will have figured out some 
switch for you to flick to make this go away.  I'm just betting against it.

Larry Hall                              lhall@rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      http://www.rfk.com
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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