jar.exe (part of Gcc) crash if started from non-cygwin shell

Shankar Unni shankar@cotagesoft.com
Mon Jan 27 20:23:00 GMT 2003

Jar.exe (now part of GCC!) crashes on *some* jar files, if it's started 
from a non-cygwin shell (e.g. CMD).

Don't think it's a problem in jar per se, however. It works if it's 
started from another cygwin program (even "env"). And it works on many 
jar files (including all the Jars shipped with JDK 1.4.1), but crashes 
on *some* jars produced by that self-same JDK.

All latest bits as of this morning.

Cygcheck -s shows:

gcc                 3.2-3
cygwin              1.3.19-1

OS is WinXP Pro SP1.

My CYGWIN environment variable is not set at all. However, this crash 
happens even if I do set it (I've tried different settings, including 
"tty", "tty ntsec" and "ntsec").

I can include a sample jar file that crashes jar.exe, but am not sure if 
I should attach it to this mail, or in what format..

PS It was a bit of a surprise finding jar.exe part of GCC now. In fact, 
I only ran into this because I have Cygwin in my PATH before the JDK; so 
I have a simple workaround anyway (fix the $PATH, or remove jar.exe :-)).


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