change in behavior of make from 3.80 to 3.81

Bob Rossi
Wed Aug 16 17:54:00 GMT 2006

> > - have the patch made part of the upstream gnu make
> That's the best solution of all.  The whole "problem" is that the
> current Cygwin make maintainer has no fun to work on this issue.
> Everybody else is free to put a bit of time and sweat into this and get
> this for free firther on.  I'm still wondering why people don't go this
> way instead of discussing this problem, which is none, IMHO, to death.

I agree with Corinna here, and others that have said it. There is a list
of us that find this patch useful. We should determine what the effort
would be to get this patch in the upstream source. Does anyone have time
for this right now?

Corinna, I can speak for myself, the reason this issue is discussed to
death is because of the reaction from the Cygwin people. Free software
users have an implicit association with friendly communication with the
software developers. In this instance, the cygwin maintainers (or higher 
ups) are pretty much belittling there users and/or saying there is no 
problem.  To many of us, there is a problem. 

I think your solution is well stated. Does anyone know who was 
maintaining the old patch to make, so that a discussion with that person 
could be made more substantial on a technical level?

Bob Rossi

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