RXVT and Bitstream Vera Sans Mono

Jeff for.listmail@verizon.net
Sun Dec 9 01:17:00 GMT 2007

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007 16:17:47 -0500, "Brian Mathis"
<brian.mathis@gmail.com> wrote:

>The Bitstream Vera fonts were released a long time ago, and AFAIK have
>been mostly abandoned by Bitstream (at least you won't get any support
>from them).

I was afraid of that, having noticed the final release date. Thanks for
the tip.

>The successor to them which has had many updates since
>their release is the DejaVu fonts.  I know they have had many releases
>and fixed a lot of bugs, so that might resolve this problem you are
>seeing.  You can download them here:
>    http://dejavu.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Download

Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, the DejaVu Sans Mono font shows
exactly the same problem as the previous Bitstream Vera font. In
addition, the bug report that Thorsten links to in his followup post is
reproducable in the DejaVu Sans Mono font. Thanks anyway, it was worth
a try... :/


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