Zsh completion problem

Vikas Mishra vikasm@vikasmishra.org
Thu Mar 24 16:42:00 GMT 2011


I have been trying to use Zsh on cygwin. I am having some trouble with
completion. Basically if I load compinit, the tab completion doesn't
work at all. On commenting out the compinit loading/invokation from
the command line, it works correctly.  This is a cygwin only problem,
the same zshrc file works without issues on Linux.

I did a search of the mailing lists and it recommended Commenting the
compinit, deleting the .zcompdump file, Starting a new shell, running
compinit and then finally uncommenting it. That doesn't fix the
problem for me. I don't think I have a corrupted .zcompdump file (at
least it doesn't appear corrupted to my untrained eyes).

Cygwin version is 4.3.11. Any suggestions/hints? cygcheck doesn't
report anything obvious (It reports tetex-bin is incomplete, but I
don't think they are related).


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