Updated: base-files-4.0-7

David Rothenberger daveroth@acm.org
Sat Feb 11 19:08:00 GMT 2012

2/10/2012 2:09 PM, David Sastre Medina wrote:
>     * Environment variable SHELL is now exported from /etc/profile.
>       Improved profile_d() function in /etc/profile - Cyrille Lefevre
>       cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2011-11/msg00128.html

I'm having some troubles due to this change. I'm using bash, and the
new /etc/profile exports SHELL=bash.

This breaks ssh when using a ProxyCommand. I have this in my
~/.ssh/config file:

Host somehost
     ProxyCommand ssh -q otherhost /usr/bin/nc %h %p

When I try to ssh to somehost, I get:

% ssh somehost
bash: No such file or directory
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

If I set SHELL to /bin/bash (which is how it was defaulted before it
was set in /etc/profile), everything works fine.

David Rothenberger  ----  daveroth@acm.org

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