Why not generate the .bashrc automatically under home diretory

kuaf kuaf.lee@gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 08:47:00 GMT 2015


I used the latest [setup-x86_64.exe][1] to set up cygwin environment.

I wanted my /home directory to point to c:\Users rather than the
out-of-the-box home directory created by cygwin.

My current solution is to just mount it in fstab with the following line:

c:/Users /home ntfs binary,posix=0,nouser

After refresh installing and change the fstab above, then startup mintty.
But, I didn't see .bashrc/.profile/.inputrc/.bash_profile was
generated automatically under home directory. I mean the `/etc/skel/*`
files would be copied to home direcotry.


[1]: http://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe

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