pick or semilar

Adam Dinwoodie adam@dinwoodie.org
Fri Aug 26 22:59:00 GMT 2016

On 17/08/2016 15:25, Morten Kjærulff wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a tool like "pick"
> https://github.com/thoughtbot/pick
> in cygwin?
I've just taken a brief look at that GitHub page, and it looks to be at 
least vaguely similar to fzf, which is included with Cygwin. You might 
want to take a look at that and see if it meets your needs.

(For those paying attention: fzf hasn't had an update in a while because 
Cygwin's fzf package uses the Ruby version of the tool, which has been 
deprecated upstream in favour of a version written in Go. Cygwin doesn't 
have a Go compiler, so I'm in the process of forking the Ruby version to 
fully maintain it myself, but that project has been on hold for a while 
for reasons of my own health.)

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